Click HERE for a list of past and present winners.
As a privilege of the VAEA membership you are encouraged to submit nominations recognizing Outstanding Art Educators in Virginia.
WHO ARE PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES? Any VAEA member who meets the award criteria established by NAEA may be nominated. VAEA Membership is not required for the Distinguished Service (Outside the Profession) and “Friends of the Visual Arts” Awards. WHO MAY NOMINATE? Any VAEA member may nominate. Art Administrators / Supervisors may be nominated by Administrators, Supervisors, or Principals that do not hold a VAEA membership. NECESSARY FORMS & RESOURCESPlease review the VAEA Vita Helpful Instructions.
contactDEADLINESAugust 15
Candidate’s packet submitted to the Regional President. August 30 Regional Presidents submit the Candidates' packets to the VAEA Awards Chair. |
Award Categories
These categories honor exceptional history of contributions, endeavors and / or service to the field of Art Education. Elementary Art Educator Middle School Art Educator Secondary Art Educator Administration / Supervision Art Educator Higher Education Art Educator Museum Education Art Educator Special Needs Art Educator Retired Art Educator National Art Honor Art Society Sponsor National Junior Art Honor Society Sponsor Higher Education Student Chapter Sponsor Higher Education Student Achievement Special Needs Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Service Within the Profession Distinguished Service Outside the Profession * Friends of the Visual Arts I (Administrators) * Friends of the Visual Arts II (Corporations) The awards generated by the VAEA Board / Advisory Council for SE Region Awards and National Awards are: Virginia Art Educator, State Newsletter and State Website The above listing of NAEA Awards is not all inclusive. Please consult the NAEA website @ for awards that are contribution, leadership and issues specific. |
VAEA Award Candidate
Documentation Checklist Page 1 The VAEA Nomination Form with signatures from the nominator to validate the nomination and the candidate consenting to the nomination. Page 2 A Letter of Nomination from the nominator. Pages 3 & 4 NAEA Standardized Vita / Resume Form, using no smaller than 10 point type. Pages 5 & 6 Two Letters of Commendation (1 page each, front only) supporting the candidate from colleagues, teachers, administrators, or parents. Digital Image Please enclose a current, color photograph for the VAEA newsletter and website.
“Helpful Reminders” for the Vita
Please use these guidelines as a prompt to assist in filling out the required paperwork. When noting evidence, please be specific with the dates and titles of the events. National and Southeastern Regional NAEA Activities Candidate has evidence of history of professional involvement at the National and Southeastern (United States) Regional level. Examples: Held / holds a national and regional office, served/serves on national and regional committees, received national and regional honors or awards, presents sessions at NAEA Conventions. VAEA State Activities (Blue Ridge, Central, Northern, Southwestern or Tidewater) Candidate has evidence of history of professional involvement at the state level. Examples: Held / holds state elected offices, chairs / chaired state committees, received state awards/honors, and regularly presents sessions at state conferences and regional workshops. Other Leadership Roles and Accomplishments Candidate has evidence of positions of strong leadership roles in associations/organizations outside the VAEA. Examples: Held / holds officer / leadership roles, achieved accomplishments, and has received award/honors in those roles. Other Professional Associations/Organizations, Offices, Honors Candidate has evidence of long term memberships in other professional associations/organizations. Examples: Held / holds offices, and received awards/honors. Publications and/or Exhibitions Candidate has evidence of publications, received grants, published research papers, and presented art exhibitions as the individual artist. Teaching / Related Experiences Candidate has evidence of extensive history of highly accomplished teaching and related experiences. Examples: National Board Certification, chairing curriculum development, writing frameworks, content, standards, assessments, art integration. |